B2B & B2C marketplace
Why launch a marketplace…
Launching a B2B marketplace is the most effective strategy to create a digital ecosystem, where your products/services are directly accessible to your customers in a seamless way, while diversifying your catalogue through strategic partnerships. This approach enables agile and optimised management, enhancing the customer experience, operational excellence and supply chain efficiency to maximise sales performance.
Optimised purchasing management
Simplify your B2B purchasing with a centralised marketplace, reducing negotiation time with your suppliers and partners. All your exchanges are transparent and optimised, reducing costs and improving overall efficiency.
Boost your visibility
Create a B2B marketplace to increase your online visibility and attract new customers. Thanks to IZBERG, you can optimise your products’ SEO and improve their positioning, while your suppliers benefit from this new distribution channel, boosting their performance while managing logistics.

Target new markets
Be one of the first B2B players to adopt the marketplace and go digital. Gain access to new markets while raising your profile and attracting both local and international customers.
IZBERG adapts to your needs
Synchronise feeds
Efficiently create, store and synchronise product information with seamless merchant catalogue and data flow management. This functionality ensures that information is always up to date and quickly accessible across all systems.
Manage credit notes
Automate refunds and credits based on the remaining invoice amount, making it easy to manage returns or financial adjustments after a transaction.
Manage flexible payment terms
Offer payment options tailored to customers’ needs, whether deferred (e.g. within 30 or 90 days) or split into several instalments. This makes it easier to manage cash flow and adapt payment terms to each business situation.
Manage quotes and pricing strategies
Simplify the management of quotes while enabling pricing strategies to be adapted according to customer, market segment or purchase volume. Companies can offer customised quotes and respond more effectively to each customer’s specific requirements.
Customise KYC documents
Customise the business partner identity verification (KYC) documents required according to the specific regulatory requirements of each company or sector.